Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Working Toward Prevention Continues

By Shannon S.
SD Public Affairs Manager

On Tuesday, SB 134 – Contraceptive Equity – was defeated on the floor of the South Dakota Senate.

The measure had a good run. It was killed in committee but revived thanks to 13 Senators who stood up forcing a smoke out. Those same 13 Senators voted in favor of the measure on the floor Tuesday afternoon. Alas, we were 5 votes short. But, progress was made and the conversation continues.

Our work is far from over. A reduction in the number of unintended pregnancies in the state CAN be accomplished. Our coalition grows stronger each day. And, this bill is proof that there are people out there who may not all agree on certain things, but we all agree that we must do something to lower the incidence of unplanned pregnancies.

I would like to encourage you to thank your Senators and Representatives who sponsored this legislation. They are: Senators Turbak Berry, Heidepriem, Knudson, Adelstein, Jerstad, & Merchant, Representatives Cutler, Blake, Burg, Dennert, Dreyer, Fargen, Frerichs, Gibson, Lust, McLaughlin, Noem, Nygaard, Betty Olson, Putnam, Romkema, Solberg and Solum. Please participate in our action campaigns to thank these sponsors.

Please also thank these additional Senators who voted in favor of the bill: Bradford, Gillespie, Nelson, Vehle, Ahlers, Hunstad & Nesselhuf.

I also think it’s important to share our disappointment with the 22 Senators who voted against SB 134. They are: Senators Abdallah, Bartling, Brown, Dempster, Fryslie, Gant, Garnos, Gray, Hansen, Hanson, Haverly, Howie, Hunhoff, Kloucek, Maher, Miles, Novstrup, Olson, Peterson, Rhoden, Schmidt, & Tieszen. Please participate in our Action Campaign to share your thoughts with your Senator.

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