Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Argus Letter Focuses on Obama Position

Letters: Speech highlighted position
Lisa A. Thompson
Sioux Falls

Amidst all the controversy over his attendance at Notre Dame's graduation ceremonies, I wasn't sure what to expect from President Obama's address to the class of 2009. He went straight to the heart of what the controversy is all about: abortion.The more we engage in substantive discussions about abortion, the more people understand and honor the complexity of the issue.

Through two elections in South Dakota, we've seen the need to leave these personal decisions to women and their families.At Notre Dame, Obama acknowledged that Americans are conflicted about abortion. He recognizes, like so many of us, that it is a morally complex issue that is not taken lightly.

Obama's speech highlighted the position of the majority of Americans: a desire to reduce the alarmingly high number of unintended pregnancies while also ensuring that women have the ability to make their own decisions about their families, their future and their health without government interference.

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